Multilateral development banks
June 21, 2023
How Last Week’s High-profile Resignation Will Impact the AIIB
By Kearrin Sims
Despite the bad press that it generated, Canadian Bob Pickard's resignation from the Beijing-based development bank is unlikely to have a lasting impact.
February 22, 2023
China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable
By Etsehiwot Kebret and Hannah Ryder
China is right to say that the World Bank and IMF need to engage in debt relief. Many African debtor countries think the same thing.
August 12, 2022
What International Financial Actors Need to Learn From Sri Lanka
By Frances Rachel Morrow-Nguyen
Establishing rules of the aid game and channels of communication might prevent a repeat of the current crisis, in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.
March 16, 2017
Return to Tashkent: EBRD President in Uzbekistan to Discuss Revamping Cooperation
By Catherine Putz
After a decade, the EBRD may be returning to Uzbekistan – riding optimism that a new regime can chart a new course.
October 21, 2016
Beware the Limits of Foreign Aid in Tajikistan
By Henry James
International assistance may not go as far as some claim it will.
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