Central Asia

May 31, 2023
New Wave Authoritarianism in Kyrgyzstan
By Haley Zehrung
Sadyr Japarov represents a shift from old-school authoritarianism to new-wave methods of consolidating illiberal, autocratic power under the guise of popular support.

May 20, 2023
A New China-Central Asia ‘Blueprint’?
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What's driving China's outreach to Central Asia in 2023?

May 10, 2023
Central Asian Presidents Join Putin for May 9 Victory Day Parade
By Catherine Putz
It is difficult to disentangle the political choices made by Central Asian leaders to attend Moscow’s parade this year from the ongoing war in Ukraine.

May 02, 2023
USCIRF Again Highlights Violations of Religious Freedoms in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
In its latest annual report, USCIRF recommends designating Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as "countries of particular concern" and asks for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to be included on the special watch list for religious freedom violators.

April 20, 2023
The Strategic Logic of Russia’s Embrace of the Taliban
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
The Afghanistan issue gives Moscow another reason to remain closely engaged in the security affairs of Central Asia.

April 19, 2023
What Afghanistan’s Qosh Tepa Canal Means for Central Asia
By Seamus Duffy
The Qosh Tepa canal issue essentially forces the Central Asian nations in the Amu Darya basin to make tradeoffs between regional instability and internal instability.

April 14, 2023
New Ukraine Sanctions Target Business Interests of Russian-Uzbek Billionaire Usmanov
By Catherine Putz
Usmanov was personally sanctioned shortly after the invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, but new sanctions target his “wide network of businesses.”

April 13, 2023
Russia Still Pursuing Regional Air Defense System With Kyrgyzstan
By Catherine Putz
Russia's efforts to establish "regional air defense systems" within the existing CIS joint air defense system are not new.

March 29, 2023
Tackling Central Asia’s Remaining Development Challenges
By Evgeny Vinokurov and Anton Malakhov
The region needs to overcome four key structural challenges: lack of access to the sea, low level of development of the financial sector, lack of water and energy coordination, and climate change.

March 10, 2023
Unpacking Geopolitical Competition and Energy Security in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
A U.S. Senate subcommittee recently explored U.S. policy toward Central Asia amid the war in Ukraine and intense concern about global energy security.

March 09, 2023
Central Asians Face Entry Denial at Georgian Border
By Niginakhon Saida
Several Central Asians report being turned away recently at the Georgian border with no detailed explanation.

March 08, 2023
International Women’s Day: Flowers or ‘the Language of Force’ for Women in Central Asia?
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
Central Asian governments must do more to provide a robust response to domestic violence, equal protection to survivors of abuse, and protect women’s rights both in policy and practice.
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