Himalayas climate change

June 21, 2023
Study: Himalayan Glaciers Could Lose 80% of Their Volume if Global Warming Isn’t Controlled
By Sibi Arasu
Himalayan glaciers disappeared 65 percent faster since 2010 than in the previous decade. Reduced snow cover due to global warming will result in reduced fresh water for people living downstream.

April 04, 2023
Glacial Melt is Dispossessing Nepal’s Indigenous Communities
By Tulsi Rauniyar
Shrinking glaciers are forcing residents to flee, leaving a scattering of ghost towns across the country's unforgiving north.

January 27, 2020
Nepal Gets Serious About Climate Change
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Sujata Karki
Amid worries of a meltdown in Himalayas, Nepal plans to hold the Everest Dialogue.

May 08, 2019
Why the Melting of the Hindu Kush and Himalayan Glaciers Matters
By Nishtha Chugh
The entire region is headed for an immense climate crisis by 2100, scientists warn.

March 28, 2019
The World's Third Pole Is Melting
By Dechen Palmo
How can Asian countries survive without Tibetan glaciers and water?

December 12, 2017
The Brokpa Yaks: A Dying Breed?
By Bikash Kumar Bhattacharya
Climate change is affecting yaks and their Brokpa herders in the northeastern Indian Himalayas.
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