

New Leaders Forum

The Tide of History Breaks in August
August 30, 2012

The Tide of History Breaks in August

A combustible mix of history, current events, and leadership transitions all combine to stoke regional tensions.

August 08, 2012

Obama's 'Flat-Footed' Pivot

If the U.S. wants to successfully ‘pivot’ to Asia, the Obama Administration needs a more consistent approach.

S. Korea-Japan: Time for Outside Mediation?
July 30, 2012

S. Korea-Japan: Time for Outside Mediation?

Can Tokyo and Seoul set aside the past? An outside mediator may ease the path forward.

America and Europe's Pacific Partnership
July 23, 2012

America and Europe's Pacific Partnership

Can efforts by America and Europe to coordinate policy in Asia breathe new life into a time-tested partnership?

July 13, 2012

In Light of the Pivot, Finding Tomorrow's Asia Experts

After a decade’s gaze on the Middle East, America needs people who know Asia, says Eric Sayers.

Iran: Running Out of Options
July 05, 2012

Iran: Running Out of Options

Oil sanctions are hurting Iran’s economy, argues Javad Heydarian. Are old friends jumping ship as well?

Playing Politics in Japan
July 01, 2012

Playing Politics in Japan

Despite an impending economic crisis, Japan’s politicians seem more worried about their own careers.

After Rio+20
June 28, 2012

After Rio+20

Rio+20 was dismissed by many as likely to be just a talking shop. Sadly, critics may have been right.

The Logic of China’s Korea Policy
June 22, 2012

The Logic of China’s Korea Policy

China sees the U.S.-South Korea alliance as a threat. Its policy toward North Korea shouldn’t surprise.

Unfriendly Waters for China
June 15, 2012

Unfriendly Waters for China

China as been keen to bolster its naval strength. But could its advances prove strategically counterproductive?

Asia’s Competing Visions
June 12, 2012

Asia’s Competing Visions

There is no shortage of economic visions for Asia. Is TPP the future? Or FTAAP? Or ASEAN-RCEP?

Can EU Be Relevant for Asia?
June 11, 2012

Can EU Be Relevant for Asia?

The EU is at a crossroads with its Asia-Pacific policy. Should it focus on economics or human rights?

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