
June 20, 2023
Uzbek Journalists and Bloggers Suffer from Mirziyoyev’s Broken Promises on Freedom of Speech
By Umida Niyazova
Although there is much more freedom of speech compared to the Karimov era, ongoing attacks on bloggers and civil society activists show an alarming deteriorating dynamic in Uzbekistan.

June 20, 2023
Redeeming Book Culture in Uzbekistan
By Niginakhon Saida
In a new political era, boosted by social media, Uzbekistan’s publishers, translators, and book bloggers see rewarding opportunities amid the challenges.

June 14, 2023
Cultural Diplomacy as a Key Instrument of China-Central Asia Cooperation
By Paolo Sorbello
An interview with Chinese diplomacy researcher Giulia Sciorati.

June 12, 2023
It’s Karimov Era 2.0 for Muslims in Uzbekistan
By Madina Amin
A new wave of arrests in Uzbekistan have centered on religious lectures, songs, and social media posts, calling up memories of the not-so-distant Karimov era.

June 08, 2023
What’s the Status of Plans to Export Russian Gas to Uzbekistan?
By Catherine Putz
Moscow’s needs are more immediate, giving Tashkent time and space to negotiate.

June 07, 2023
EU-Central Asia Leaders’ Meeting Latest to Highlight Region’s Geopolitical Centrality
By Catherine Putz
Last year, the EU’s meeting with Central Asian leaders followed their summit with Putin; this year it trailed their meeting with Xi.

June 06, 2023
Hobbled Economic Prospects in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
Emerging economies are “struggling just to cope,” the World Bank says. The latest Global Economic Prospects report notes slight improvements but many risks.

June 06, 2023
Brooklyn Lawyers Abuse Asylum System in Advising Clients to Fraudulently Claim LGBTQ Persecution
By Catherine Putz
Taking advantage of the very real persecution of the LGBTQ community in Russia and across much of the former Soviet Union, a pair of lawyers conspired to commit immigration fraud.

June 05, 2023
Uzbekistan Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Karakalpakstan Appeals
By Catherine Putz
Tazhimuratov’s 16-year sentence was upheld while terms of others were either reduced or shifted to house arrest.

May 22, 2023
Karakalpakstan’s Sovereignty in Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
Karakalpakstan has a constitutional right to secede from Uzbekistan via referendum, but calling for such a vote results in immense pressure and often prison terms.

May 19, 2023
This Week in Asia: May 19, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

May 19, 2023
In Xi’an, China’s Xi Calls for a ‘Shared Future’ With Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
The summit produced the clearest iteration of Chinese interests in and commitments to Central Asia to date, but there's no "new blueprint" for relations.
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