religious freedom in Central Asia
June 12, 2023
It’s Karimov Era 2.0 for Muslims in Uzbekistan
By Madina Amin
A new wave of arrests in Uzbekistan have centered on religious lectures, songs, and social media posts, calling up memories of the not-so-distant Karimov era.
May 04, 2023
Will Jehovah’s Witness Shamil Khakimov Be Released From Prison in Tajikistan?
By Catherine Putz
Jailed in 2019 on charges of “inciting religious hatred,” Shamil Khakimov’s jail term ends on May 16. But he may not be released.
May 02, 2023
USCIRF Again Highlights Violations of Religious Freedoms in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
In its latest annual report, USCIRF recommends designating Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as "countries of particular concern" and asks for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to be included on the special watch list for religious freedom violators.
September 20, 2022
Religious Freedom in Uzbekistan: Still Space for Reform
By Catherine Putz
Despite some promising progress, USCIRF Chair Nury Turkel says Uzbekistan continues to severely restrict religious freedoms.
July 09, 2020
Uzbekistan Must Stay on the Path of Religious Freedom Reform
By Nadine Maenza and Nury Turkel
Tashkent has made progress on the path toward greater religious freedom, but must remain vigilant to protect the gains it has made and continue to actively push forward.
January 07, 2020
9 Young Jehovah’s Witnesses Remain Detained in Turkmenistan
By Catherine Putz
The nine men are all conscientious objectors, imprisoned for refusing compulsory military service.
December 27, 2019
Of Concerns and Waivers: Religious Freedom and US Interests in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan were once again designated as “Countries of Particular Concern” for violations of religious freedom.
December 21, 2018
Can Uzbekistan Become a Model Secular, Muslim-Majority State?
By Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan's efforts to expand religious freedoms in the country have not gone unnoticed, but challenges remain.
May 04, 2017
5 Years in Prison for Kazakh Jehovah's Witness
By Catherine Putz
Teimur Akhmedov was charged under Article 174: inciting hatred.
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