France Indo-Pacific strategy

June 09, 2023
New Zealand and France: A Shared Ambition for the Indo-Pacific
By Marc Abensour
France “intends to pursue a cooperative and inclusive approach that respects the sovereignty of all, without following a logic of blocs.”

June 22, 2022
Can France’s Military Live Up to Its Ambitions in the Indo-Pacific?
By Sophie Perrot
France has sovereignty, citizens, and broader interests at stake in the region, but its military presence remains small and outdated.

May 10, 2022
French Polynesia and France’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
By Paco Milhiet
French Polynesia, with its strategic location and massive EEZ, will play a key role in France's Indo-Pacific policy.

December 21, 2021
France’s Defense Strategy in the Indo-Pacific
By Jérémy Bachelier and Eric Frécon
Boosting Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) cooperation to ensure security has become a key aim for France in the region.
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