Nepal civil war victims
June 28, 2023
Will Nepal’s New Truth and Reconciliation Bill Promote Justice or Impunity?
By Anupa Aryal and Ojaswi K.C
17 years after the civil war ended, Nepal has yet to provide justice for gross human rights violations.
August 25, 2020
Nepal’s Transitional Justice Process Runs the Risk of Failing
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
The government in Kathmandu must take urgent steps to rescue the process and follow the verdict of the Supreme Court.
October 09, 2019
Transitional Justice in Nepal: More Frustrations and Delay
By Hugh Whelan
The civil war ended in 2006, but justice has no time limit.
January 02, 2019
Nepal’s Sisyphean Struggle for Justice
By Peter Gill
12 years after the civil war came to an end, conflict victims demand a role in transitional justice.
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