India coal industry

June 02, 2023
India Puts 5-Year Pause on New Coal Plants, Bets on Renewables, Batteries
By Sibi Arasu
India’s new national electricity plan is hailed by energy experts as a positive step for a country that is currently reliant on coal for around 75 percent of its electricity.

May 19, 2023
For Locals, India’s Coal Rush Means a Black Future
By Vidya Dinker
For the communities most directly affected by coal mines, their day-to-day reality is far from being green.

July 01, 2022
India’s Energy-Environment Catch-22
By Monika Mondal
Extreme weather events, like India’s heatwaves, pose new challenges to green solutions.

May 03, 2022
India Reels Under Brutal Heat Wave, Blackouts
By Krutika Pathi and Aniruddha Ghosal
Supplies of coal at thermal power plants are running perilously low, underscoring India’s need to diversify energy sources.

December 09, 2021
India and China Can Quit Coal Earlier, But the World Must Work Alongside Them
By Beibei Yin
We need a much more ambitious global partnership on the phasing out of coal, one that thinks and acts beyond what is perceived as feasible today.

November 26, 2021
India’s Road to Net-Zero
By Jitendra Bisht and Soumya Singhal
India’s aspirational climate action policies fit into a general pattern of incremental progress at the global level that lacks the collective sense of urgency required.

November 15, 2021
Smog Chokes Indian Capital as Air Pollution Levels Soar
By Sheikh Saaliq
The New Delhi government has ordered the closing of all schools for a week and construction sites for four days beginning Monday.

November 01, 2021
Why Is It So Hard for the World to Quit Coal?
By Aniruddha Ghosal
The lives and livelihoods of nearly 4 million people in India are directly or indirectly linked to coal.

October 31, 2020
How India Can Breathe Better: The Case Against Coal
By Jenaina Irani
India can’t get a grip on its air pollution crisis until it begins a true transition to renewable energy.

August 14, 2019
A Pipeline as Lifeline: The Environmental Benefits of TAPI
By Corissa Steiner
TAPI would provide an alternative to increased coal use in India and Pakistan.

July 13, 2017
India's Water-Energy Nexus
By Mohsin Amin and Simi Mehta
India's water crisis is impacting its energy supply. What can be done?

June 22, 2017
Asia and the Fall of Coal
By Nithin Coca
Asia's sudden shift away from coal and toward renewable energy will have a global impact.
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