Japan China policy

June 14, 2023
From Follower to Leader: Japan’s Emergence as a Fully-Fledged Regional Security Actor
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Not only has Japan become an indispensable ally for the U.S. in contingency planning, but Tokyo is also no longer relying solely on the United States to deter China.

May 08, 2023
Japan’s Regional and Global Leadership
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Naoko Aoki.

February 07, 2023
Japan, China Hold Foreign Minister Call Days After NATO Chief’s Visit
By Mina Pollmann
Tokyo continues to try to keep relations with Beijing stable even as it deepens military cooperation with NATO and other partners.

January 30, 2023
Promise and Perils for the Japan-South Korea-US Trilateral in 2023
By Hanna Foreman and Andrew Yeo
Aside from longstanding historical issues, the three countries will face challenges in sustaining coordination on North Korea and China policy.

January 18, 2023
What Japan’s Foreign Policy Shifts Mean for New Zealand
By Geoffrey Miller
Tokyo’s dramatic shifts on defense and China policy are likely to have ramifications for New Zealand.

December 17, 2022
Japan’s Major Turning Point on Defense Policy
By Takahashi Kosuke
Three new security documents prepared by the Kishida administration mark a new era in Japan’s post-war security strategy.

September 21, 2021
China, Wolf Warrior Diplomacy and Taiwan
By KODA Yoji
Beijing’s recalcitrance is ultimately going to be unsustainable.

August 26, 2021
Will Japan Become a Hub for China and Russia to Evade Sanctions?
By Francis Shin
Compared to the rest of the G-7, Japan’s relatively lax stance could make it a prime candidate for money laundering and other sanctions evasion activities.

August 12, 2021
Japan’s Military Role in the Indo-Pacific
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Robert Ward.

August 07, 2021
New Zealand’s Relationship With Japan May Be About to Change
By Geoffrey Miller
As the Tokyo Olympics come to an end, the very successful Japan-New Zealand partnership may be about to become a lot more complicated.

July 21, 2021
Japanese Envoy Says Tokyo ‘Struggles Every Day’ With China
By Rod McGuirk
The envoy sought to dispel the perception that Japan "is doing far better than Australia" in handling relations with China.

April 07, 2021
Is the China-Japan Thaw Over?
By Shannon Tiezzi
A year after what was supposed to be a landmark in the renewed relationship, rhetoric from both Beijing and Tokyo is increasingly frosty.
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