Japan in a Taiwan Strait crisis

June 14, 2023
From Follower to Leader: Japan’s Emergence as a Fully-Fledged Regional Security Actor
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Not only has Japan become an indispensable ally for the U.S. in contingency planning, but Tokyo is also no longer relying solely on the United States to deter China.

June 10, 2023
Japan’s New Security Strategy, Part 3: The View From Japan’s Neighbors
By Pascal Lottaz
What does Japan's changing security policy mean for South Korea, Taiwan, and China?

May 16, 2023
Japan’s Refusal to Identify as a Military Power Has Geopolitical Consequences
By Jio Kamata
Public sentiment could seriously constrain Japan’s actions in a military conflict – for example, if China were to invade Taiwan.

August 20, 2022
How Would Japan Respond to a Taiwan Contingency?
By Kosuke Takahashi
National preparedness for a cross-strait emergency has been far behind what is necessary.

August 10, 2022
Japan’s Evolving Approach to the Taiwan Strait
By Rena Sasaki
Comparing the current crisis to the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis from 1995-96, Japan’s attitude toward China, the U.S., and other like-minded countries has changed significantly.

August 06, 2022
Pelosi Discusses Taiwan Tensions in Japan
By Mari Yamaguchi
The U.S. House speaker and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida both denounced China’s ongoing military drills near Taiwan, underscoring Japan's security concerns.

August 05, 2022
China’s Live-Fire Drills Near Taiwan Send Ballistic Missiles Into Japan’s EEZ
By Kosuke Takahashi
It’s the first time China has fired ballistic missiles into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

August 02, 2022
How Far Could the Quad Support Taiwan?
By Huynh Tam Sang and Trang Huynh Le
The Quad is supposed to help counterbalance China’s rise, but it remains unclear whether the bloc would intervene in the event of a Taiwan Strait conflict.

June 08, 2022
Japanese Former Defense Minister Morimoto Satoshi on a Taiwan Contingency
By Kosuke Takahashi
If “China can unify Taiwan while eliminating U.S. interference. This is the best scenario for China... The surrounding countries cannot help Taiwan.”
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