Japan security policy

June 14, 2023
From Follower to Leader: Japan’s Emergence as a Fully-Fledged Regional Security Actor
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Not only has Japan become an indispensable ally for the U.S. in contingency planning, but Tokyo is also no longer relying solely on the United States to deter China.

June 14, 2023
Japan’s 2023 Development Cooperation Charter: The Aid-Security Nexus
By James Kaizuka
Tokyo’s new blueprint for development assistance expands the role of one of Japan’s greatest national strengths into the realm of geostrategy, building on the philosophy of former PM Abe Shinzo.

June 10, 2023
Japan’s New Security Strategy, Part 3: The View From Japan’s Neighbors
By Pascal Lottaz
What does Japan's changing security policy mean for South Korea, Taiwan, and China?

June 08, 2023
Japan’s New Security Strategy, Part 2: The Ongoing Debates
By Pascal Lottaz
Within Japan, there are debates as to how new – and how hawkish – the 2022 National Security Strategy really is.

May 24, 2023
The Hiroshima G7 Summit and Japan’s Evolving Security Identity
By Yukari Easton
Kishida’s biggest achievement thus far may be showing Japan that sitting out on all conflicts is perhaps no longer an option.

May 08, 2023
Japan and NATO: An Inevitable Partnership?
By James Kaizuka
Japan may not be located in the North Atlantic, but it and NATO are natural partners with increasingly overlapping interests and with much to offer each other.

April 11, 2023
Japan’s Official Security Assistance: The Sleeping Giant Stirs?
By James Kaizuka
Tokyo’s new security framework plays to Japan’s existing strengths by deepening existing partnerships, but remains constrained by long-standing norms and sensitivities.
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