Russia-Taliban cooperation

June 16, 2023
Russian Roulette in Taliban-Held Afghanistan
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Frequent vacillations from hope to pessimism continue to characterize Russian policy toward Afghanistan.

April 20, 2023
The Strategic Logic of Russia’s Embrace of the Taliban
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
The Afghanistan issue gives Moscow another reason to remain closely engaged in the security affairs of Central Asia.

June 06, 2019
Russia’s Falling Out With Kabul
By Samuel Ramani
Russia's embrace of the Taliban is increasingly coming at the expense of Afghan President Ghani's government.

January 12, 2019
Russia and the Taliban: Talking With Terrorists
By Samuel Ramani
Moscow continues to designate the Taliban as a terrorist group, but at the same time has made consistent diplomatic contacts.

December 04, 2018
An Indian Perspective on Afghan Security
By Samuel Ramani
An interview with Brig. Gen. (retd) Venkataraman Mahalingam.

August 02, 2018
Making Sense of Russia’s Involvement in Afghanistan
By Nicholas Trickett
There are plenty of reasons to seriously examine Russia’s role in Afghanistan, but what do many analysts miss?

July 21, 2018
Why Has Russia Invited the Taliban to Moscow?
By Samuel Ramani
The proposed “Moscow-format” talks advance Russia’s interests in Afghanistan.

June 07, 2018
Pay Attention to Russia's South Asia Strategy
By Uzair Younus
Russia is isolating and undermining the United States in the region.

April 10, 2018
Why Russia Exaggerates Islamic State's Presence in Afghanistan
By Samuel Ramani
The notion that the United States is facilitating the rise of ISIS in Afghanistan resonates powerfully within Russia.

November 03, 2017
Hamid Karzai and the Russia Connection
By Samuel Ramani
The former Afghan president is promoting positions closely aligned with Russian interests.

October 25, 2017
The Myth of an Iran-Russia Alliance in Afghanistan
By Samuel Ramani
For Iran and Russia, Afghanistan is more likely to be an area of geopolitical competition than a sphere of cooperation.

August 04, 2017
Understanding the Russia-Taliban Connection
By Samuel Ramani
Recent media reports underline Russian arms sales to the insurgent group. What is Moscow's end game?
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