Artemis Accords

June 22, 2023
India-US Space Cooperation Takes Off
By Anuttama Banerji
Space and outer space are the theaters that will propel India’s rise and give a new dimension to the India-U.S. bilateral partnership.

September 04, 2021
South Korea Moves Closer to Launching Its First Lunar Orbiter
By Troy Stangarone
South Korea is on pace to launch the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) next year, part of its expanding space program.

June 07, 2021
The Artemis Accords and Global Lunar Governance
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
It would be useful to have spacefaring powers agree upon and comply with a common set of principles.

March 19, 2021
The Strategic Implications of the China-Russia Lunar Base Cooperation Agreement
By Namrata Goswami
With their agreement, the partners are signalling an alternative to a U.S.-led order in space.

September 17, 2020
What Does China Think About NASA’s Artemis Accords?
By Elliot Ji, Michael B. Cerny, and Raphael J. Piliero
China views the U.S. attempt to enshrine new principles for outer space with some skepticism.
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