Japan pacifism

June 06, 2023
Japan’s New Security Strategy, Part 1: The Historical Context
By Pascal Lottaz
Since the end of World War II, Japan has been struggling to strike the right balance between pacifism and productive security engagement with the world.

May 24, 2023
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force to Provide Ukraine With 100 Transport Vehicles
By Takahashi Kosuke
The ruling LDP is striving to ease weapon export rules, with Ukraine in mind, but faces pushback from its junior coalition partner.

May 24, 2023
The Hiroshima G7 Summit and Japan’s Evolving Security Identity
By Yukari Easton
Kishida’s biggest achievement thus far may be showing Japan that sitting out on all conflicts is perhaps no longer an option.

May 16, 2023
Japan’s Refusal to Identify as a Military Power Has Geopolitical Consequences
By Jio Kamata
Public sentiment could seriously constrain Japan’s actions in a military conflict – for example, if China were to invade Taiwan.

December 30, 2022
2022: The Year Japan and Germany Became ‘Normal’ Countries
By Chietigj Bajpaee
Japan and Germany rediscovered their geopolitical voice in 2022, making parallel efforts to develop more assertive national security postures.

December 07, 2022
Why Japan’s Missile Defense Requires ‘Counterstrike Capabilities’
By Kenji Nagayoshi
Japan’s strike capability debate must be accompanied by the political will of decision-makers.

September 27, 2022
Abe’s Militaristic Funeral Captures Japan’s Internal Divisions
By Foster Klug
20,000 police officers and more than 1,000 soldiers were on patrol as thousands of protesters took to the streets.

May 16, 2022
Does the Russia-Ukraine War Herald a New Era for Japan’s Security Policy?
By Craig Kafura
Is the war in Ukraine creating a Japanese Zeitenwende? It might be up to Prime Minister Kishida.

May 01, 2022
Japan’s Constitution at 75
By Sheila A. Smith
How does Japan’s post-war constitution hold up in an era of increasing great power competition and unexpected emergencies?

March 08, 2022
What Ukraine Means for Japan
By Yukari Easton
Will Japan follow Germany’s suit in rethinking its approach to national security?

December 19, 2020
Civilian Participation in National Defense as a Part of Japan’s Pacifism
By Fumiko Sasaki
Japanese citizens have a role to play in the defense of the country.

July 28, 2020
Will Japan Pursue a Strike Capability in Lieu of Aegis Ashore?
By Titli Basu
Hard decisions lie ahead to make sure Japan has an effective defense without Aegis Ashore.
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