Japan-U.K. relations

May 19, 2023
World Leaders Land in Hiroshima for G7 Meeting, With Ukraine War High on Agenda
By Adam Schreck
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio kicked off his summit diplomacy by meeting with leaders from the U.S. and U.K.

January 12, 2023
UK, Japan Sign Defense Deal Amid Rising Concern About China
By Jill Lawless
The Reciprocal Access Agreement — Japan's first with a European nation — allows the two countries to hold joint military exercises.

September 08, 2022
Japan, UK to Push Forward With Joint New Air-to-Air Missile Co-development
By Kosuke Takahashi
The new Truss government in London is likely to upgrade the current partnership to quasi-alliance status.

May 06, 2022
UK and Japan Reach New Defense Deal Amid Russia Concerns
By Associated Press
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to the U.K. resulted in a new security deal, adding to Japan's growing collection.

March 09, 2021
A New Era for UK-Japan Relations?
By Niall M. Gray
British leaders appear to view an upgraded relationship with Tokyo as an essential part of the U.K.’s new Asia-Pacific strategy.

February 04, 2021
Japan Expresses Concern to UK Over New Chinese Coast Guard Law
By Associated Press
From maritime security to human rights concerns, China featured heavily in a meeting between the Japanese and British foreign and defense ministers.

November 17, 2020
Assessing the Japan-UK Economic Partnership Agreement
By Michito Tsuruoka
Trade and beyond

August 07, 2018
Naval Cooperation Highlights Japan-UK 'Global Security Partnership'
By Daniel Hurst
A British warship is helping conduct surveillance designed to enforce UN sanctions on North Korea.

May 03, 2017
Japan, UK Talk Brexit and North Korea
By Yukari Easton
The summit between Shinzo Abe and Theresa May largely focused on two issues.

July 13, 2015
Britain’s Approach to Japan and East Asia
By Edward Vickers and Tim Summers
The U.K. should respond cautiously to calls for stronger ties with Japan.
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