The Diplomat | Author

James Guild
James Guild is an expert in trade, finance, and economic development in Southeast Asia.
James Guild holds a Ph.D. in International Political Economy from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. He specializes in trade, finance, and economic development in Southeast Asia. Follow him on twitter @jamesjguild or

June 27, 2023
Is Indonesia’s New High-Speed Rail Line Worth It?
By James Guild
Whether or not the rail line turns a profit, Jakarta is hoping that the project brings a wider range of subsidiary benefits.

June 21, 2023
Who Pays and Who Profits From High Energy Prices in Thailand?
By James Guild
Many governments are facing the question of whether to absorb rising energy prices, or put the burden on the shoulders of consumers.

June 13, 2023
ASEAN’s Cross-Border Digital Payment System Explained
By James Guild
Greater financial integration is good for consumers and travelers, but it won't end Southeast Asia's dependence on the U.S. dollar.

June 08, 2023
Why Singapore Airlines Had a Good 2022
By James Guild
The city-state's flagship carrier enjoys a key advantage over many of its regional rivals.

May 31, 2023
Why Weakness in US Banking Is Unlikely to Spread to Indonesia
By James Guild
The country's banks are relatively conservative, relying on everyday loans over more risky and profitable assets.

May 24, 2023
Why the Philippines’ Two Largest State-Owned Banks Are Contemplating a Mega-Merger
By James Guild
The government is hoping that the merger of DBP and the Land Bank of the Philippines will increase profitability, with a possible eye to supporting its embryonic sovereign wealth fund.

May 16, 2023
Indonesia’s Transactional Military Modernization
By James Guild
The country has long sought to balance the operational and strategic needs of the military against the political imperative to contribute to economic development.

May 09, 2023
How Big is China’s Footprint in Southeast Asia’s Telecom Sector?
By James Guild
The extent to which the region's governments are willing to engage with Chinese firms, and the risks they perceive in doing so, vary widely.

May 03, 2023
The Geopolitics of Technology in Indonesia
By James Guild and Leonard C. Sebastian
There are signs of sharpening strategic competition in technology-intensive sectors such as battery manufacturing, clean energy, and data centers.

April 26, 2023
2022 Was a Good Year for Petronas
By James Guild
Malaysia's state-owned energy giant has benefited from the global spike in oil and gas prices, but its long-term future is less certain.

April 18, 2023
What Did the INA, Indonesia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, Do in 2022?
By James Guild
In seeding its state-owned fund with capital, Jakarta is hoping to target investments in strategic sectors.

April 11, 2023
What China’s RM 170 Billion Investment Commitment Means for Malaysia
By James Guild
Does the recent eye-popping investment pledge from Beijing stack up against the country's recent economic history?
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