Donald Trump

June 07, 2023
Ron DeSantis Brings US China Policy Into the Culture Wars
By Jiachen Shi
His strategy of framing China-U.S. competition within an ideological and cultural narrative allows DeSantis to differentiate himself from former President Donald Trump.

March 09, 2023
Australia’s Former ‘Favorite Muslim’ Courts Credibility With US Right
By Joanna Psaros
In 2017, the imam was exposed as a fraud. But six years on, Mohammad Tawhidi is seeing an explosion in his popularity and prestige abroad – particularly in the U.S.

September 01, 2021
Why Did the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Take on Fox News?
By Grant Wyeth
In an investigative series, the ABC laid out the connection between misleading reporting on Fox and the January 6 unrest in Washington, DC.

June 08, 2021
How Trump Fueled Anti-Asian Violence in America
By Jin Kai
Trump’s encouragement of white supremacy and his strident anti-China rhetoric proved a toxic combination for Asian Americans.

April 28, 2021
Trump Reveals What Many Already Suspected About His Korea Policy
By Kyle Ferrier
A statement from the former president is a stark reminder of his transactional approach to both Koreas.

March 17, 2021
US-India Relations: The Shift From Trump to Biden
By Emily Ashbridge
As Washington and Delhi seek stronger ties, three policy shifts underway in the Biden administration may limit cooperation.

January 20, 2021
Why Some in Japan Are Still Unsettled About a Biden Administration
By Carlos Ramirez
The favorable view of Trump’s policy combined with a pessimism of Biden as it relates to Japan is both unfounded and misguided

January 12, 2021
Latest Phase of Intra-Afghan Peace Talks Off to Slow Start
By Catherine Putz
Agreeing on an agenda will prove a difficult task, with the Afghan government prioritizing a ceasefire and the Taliban a political arrangement.

December 17, 2020
How Trump and the 2020 US Election Are Helping Authoritarians’ Domestic Causes
By Mai Truong
The Trump administration has gifted autocrats with three key tools for consolidating their strength at home.

November 19, 2020
President Trump To Attend APEC Summit, Official Says
By Sebastian Strangio
The announcement came as Chinese President Xi Jinping claimed the mantle of free trade and economic openness.

November 18, 2020
How the Trump Administration Set Afghanistan Up to Fail
By Sohrab Azad
The Trump administration has left Biden few options in Afghanistan, and the Taliban aren’t going anywhere.

November 17, 2020
China’s Big Brother Is Watching Your Democratic Process
By Weifeng Zhong
Elections have consequences, and so do electoral uncertainties.
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