The Diplomat | Author

Mercy A. Kuo
Mercy Kuo is Executive Vice President at Pamir Consulting.
Mercy A. Kuo is Executive Vice President of Pamir Consulting, a global risk intelligence firm in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. She authors a weekly column on U.S. Asia policy at The Diplomat, an international affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific, and is advisory council member of the Asia-Pacific Institute at the American Jewish Committee and member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Dr. Kuo formerly held executive leadership positions as president and executive director of the Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC) in Seattle and managing director and director of research at the Committee of 100, a New York-based U.S.-China relations leadership organization. Prior to joining C-100, she was senior project director and director of the Southeast Asia Studies and Strategic Asia Programs at a U.S.-based foreign policy think tank. Dr. Kuo formerly served with the Central Intelligence Agency as an Asian affairs analyst specializing in Northeast and Southeast Asian political, security, and military issues. Her select China and Asia policy publications include “The China Factor in EU-US Relations: Fault Lines and Futures,” Security Policy Library, December 2019 Norwegian Atlantic Committee, “The Geopolitics of Energy in the South China Sea,” World Energy (Eni S.p.a), June 2019; “China’s Strategic Orientation: Assessing Alternative Futures,” China in the 21st Century: History, Security and International Relations, Vol. 3 (Praeger 2014); Strategic Asia 2008-09: Challenges and Choices—What the New President Should Know (NBR 2008); “Defence Policymaking in Strategic Asia” in the “Handbook of Defence Politics” (Routledge 2008); and “Contending with Contradictions: China’s Policy toward Soviet Eastern Europe and the Origins of the Sino-Soviet Split, 1953-1960.” (Lexington Books, 2001). She holds a Ph.D. from Oxford University.

April 03, 2023
China-Russia Cooperation in Africa and the Middle East
By Mercy A. Kuo

March 27, 2023
China in Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations: Impact on Israel
By Mercy A. Kuo

March 20, 2023
Singapore Absorbs Chinese Capital
By Mercy A. Kuo

March 13, 2023
Russia-China Challenge in US-EU Relations
By Mercy A. Kuo

March 06, 2023
Developments in Asia-Pacific’s Space Industry
By Mercy A. Kuo

February 28, 2023
South Korea and NATO: Seoul’s Strategic Calculus
By Mercy A. Kuo

February 21, 2023
Autocrats and the Ukraine War: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea
By Mercy A. Kuo

February 13, 2023
China-Ukraine Relations: Kyiv’s Balancing Act
By Mercy A. Kuo

February 06, 2023
Taiwan Strait Conflict Scenarios
By Mercy A. Kuo

January 31, 2023
Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan: ‘Victory Is Not Enough’
By Mercy A. Kuo

January 25, 2023
Assessing the Japan-US Summit
By Mercy A. Kuo