Xi foreign policy

May 22, 2023
‘Party of One’: What the Rise of Xi Jinping Means for China and the World
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Chun Han Wong.

March 08, 2023
In Xi’s ‘New Era,’ China’s Foreign Policy Centers on ‘Struggle’
By Shannon Tiezzi
Chinese officials hate the term “wolf warrior diplomacy,” but it’s clear that the phenomenon, by whatever name, is here to stay.

December 01, 2022
Jiang Zemin’s Foreign Policy Legacy Has Died With Him
By Denny Roy
Many Chinese associate the late Jiang with an era seen as brighter and more hopeful than the literal and figurative lockdown Xi has brought upon China.

September 09, 2022
Xi Jinping’s Endgame for America
By Ian Easton
Xi’s speeches make clear that he is committed to spreading China’s model of communism around the world.

February 21, 2022
‘Only Nixon Could Go to China’; Only Xi Can Go to America?
By Brian Wong and Scott Singer
50 years after the famous Nixon-Mao meeting, today’s leaders can learn from their nuanced political leadership.

July 30, 2020
How Will the EU Answer China’s Turn Toward ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’?
By Earl Wang
The EU has no choice but to be united with regard to its interactions with China as Beijing’s foreign policy becomes more centralized and assertive.

June 11, 2020
For the US and China, Thucydides’ Trap Is Closing
By Kevin Brown
Intertwined domestic crises are adding pressure for Donald Trump and Xi Jinping to seek out confrontation.

August 01, 2018
China’s New Foreign Policy Setup
By Thomas Eder
How has Xi Jinping remade China's foreign policy apparatus?

July 23, 2018
Xi and the Trade War: The Curse of the Strong Leader
By Kerry Brown
Xi's dominance means he gets all the praise when things go right -- and all the blame when they don't.
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