
January 07, 2023
How Beijing Accidentally Ended the Zero COVID Policy
By Zhuoran Li
China’s central government aimed to modify the zero COVID policy incrementally following the 20th Party Congress. What went wrong?

January 06, 2023
Thailand Says COVID-19 Tests Not Needed From Chinese Tourists
By Sebastian Strangio
Thai officials are projecting that 5 million Chinese nationals will visit in 2023, buoying the recovery of the country's tourism sector.

January 06, 2023
North Korea Likely to Lift Pandemic Border Restrictions in 2023
By Sangsoo Lee
North Korea’s quest to strengthen its military power will require financial backing – which means reopening borders for trade and migrant workers.

January 04, 2023
China Threatens Response to ‘Unacceptable’ COVID-19 Testing Measures
By Ken Moritsugu
Beijing sharply criticized decisions by several countries (including the U.S., France, and Australia) to require COVID tests for new arrivals from China.

December 30, 2022
From Zero to All-Out COVID: The Power of the Politburo’s Standing Committee
By Bonnie Girard
Ultimately, the choice was Xi's, but his colleagues on the Standing Committee of the Politburo wield extraordinary power, collectively and individually.

December 22, 2022
China Limits How It Defines COVID-19 Deaths in Official Count
By Huizhong Wu and Dake Kang
Unlike in most countries' official reporting, deaths that occur in patients with pre-existing illnesses are not counted among China's COVID-19 deaths.

December 16, 2022
Decoding China’s COVID-19 Policy U-Turn
By Brian Wong
Current discussions often highlight the role of the vocal protests in late November in shifting China's COVID zero policy. But the shift had already begun in early November.

December 14, 2022
New South Wales’ Pandemic Fines Shed Light on Policing Problems
By Dechlan Brennan
The NSW government’s “law and order” response to the COVID-19 pandemic led to significant fines on those least able to pay up.

December 13, 2022
Has Xi Averted a ‘Winter of Discontent’ in China?
By Dan Macklin
Ending “zero COVID” is Beijing’s best option, but it comes at the worst possible time.

December 08, 2022
China Begins Implementing Relaxed COVID Control Measures
By Associated Press
The National Health Commission scrapped many of China's most stringent anti-pandemic regulations, including routine, mandatory PCR testing.

December 07, 2022
Dissident Artist Ai Weiwei Says China Unrest Won’t Alter Regime
By Barry Hatton
The recent unrest in several Chinese cities is “a big deal,” Ai acknowledges. But he calls for “realistic thinking” about the protests.

December 07, 2022
How Myanmar’s United Wa State Army Responded to COVID-19
By Yaolong Xian
The country's most powerful armed rebel group has played a prominent role in battling the pandemic in the areas under its control.