India urbanization

February 07, 2023
Why South Asia Should Embrace Climate Migration
By Mahika Khosla
Migration is often framed as a failure of climate adaptation. It’s better seen as an effective and sustainable response to climate change.

October 28, 2020
India’s Flood Problem Runs the Risk of Pouring Over
By Sudha Ramachandran
Poor and haphazard urban planning is compounding problems from excessive rain across the country. Hyderabad’s recent floods are but one example.

October 13, 2020
India’s Cities Need Green Infrastructure Financing
By Soumyadip Chattopadhay
The time is ripe for a new system to narrow down sustainable urban infrastructure financing gaps.

September 06, 2019
Mumbai's Last Jungle Under Threat
By Angel L Martínez Cantera
A metro project threatens one of the city’s last green spaces and the tribal people who live there.

December 01, 2016
Smart Cities: A Long Road Ahead For India
By Nandan Sharalaya
India struggles to combat the stresses of urbanization with innovation and technology.
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