

India women

Horrific Crime Reaffirms Delhi’s Status as India’s Most Unsafe City for Women
January 11, 2023

Horrific Crime Reaffirms Delhi’s Status as India’s Most Unsafe City for Women

By Kavita Chowdhury
A woman was hit by a car filled with drunk men, who drove on for 13 kilometers, dragging her body lodged in the car’s wheels.

Women in India Come Together to Fight COVID-19
May 29, 2021

Women in India Come Together to Fight COVID-19

By Akanksha Khullar
It is time to recognize the efforts of these unseen heroes of the crisis and acknowledge the critical roles that women play in Indian society.
Fighting Gender Inequality in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic  
June 25, 2020

Fighting Gender Inequality in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic  

By M Niaz Asadullah and Kalyani Raghunathan
The pandemic will drive many women in India into poverty and food insecurity.

India’s ‘Shadow Pandemic’
April 17, 2020

India’s ‘Shadow Pandemic’

By Neeta Lal
Domestic violence in India surges during the COVID-19 crisis.

Addressing Rape in India
January 21, 2020

Addressing Rape in India

By Neeta Lal
7 years after an infamous rape and murder case, India has made little progress in preventing crimes against women.

Women Emerging as Leaders in Fixing India’s Slums
January 08, 2020

Women Emerging as Leaders in Fixing India’s Slums

By Bijal Brahmbhatt
The collective might of women must be harnessed as a powerful, necessary force for change.

The 2010s: Reflecting on a Decade of Change in Bollywood
January 01, 2020

The 2010s: Reflecting on a Decade of Change in Bollywood

By Alexandra Delaney-Bhattacharya
From digital streaming to the #MeToo movement, the last 10 years have left their mark on India’s film industry.
Female Delivery Drivers Breaking Patriarchal Barriers in India
December 03, 2018

Female Delivery Drivers Breaking Patriarchal Barriers in India

By Adnan Bhat
Breaking down one more barrier to women's employment in India.

Interview With Indian ‘Instant Divorce’ Victim Nida Khan
September 26, 2018

Interview With Indian ‘Instant Divorce’ Victim Nida Khan

By Prabhat Singh
How one woman is fighting against injustice, ignorance, and violence toward women in the name of religious practices.

India’s Problem With Women
September 26, 2018

India’s Problem With Women

By Tej Parikh
As tradition and modernity collide, India is the world's most dangerous place for women.

The ‘Pad Man’ of India’s Parliament
April 27, 2018

The ‘Pad Man’ of India’s Parliament

By Mansi Bhatia and Nantha Kishore
Lawmaker Ninong Ering’s progressive step toward a period-friendly India.
Rupali Patil on the Challenges of Being a Woman Artist
March 28, 2017

Rupali Patil on the Challenges of Being a Woman Artist

By Vishal Arora
The artist from Pune, India recounts censorship and bias.

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