anti-Chinese sentiment

May 02, 2023
A Closer Look at the Growing Chinese Presence in Uzbekistan
By Mukhammadsodik Donaev
Both Chinese expats and Uzbek locals have nuanced views of China’s growing involvement in Uzbekistan.

November 04, 2022
Hanoi’s Beijing Syndrome
By Duy Hoang
The “Vietnamese street” and especially the activist community is known to be anti-China, but the Vietnamese Communist Party is keen to cultivate closer ties.

March 19, 2021
Murders in Georgia Spark Outcry From China, South Korea
By Shannon Tiezzi
The shootings of six Asian Americans brought deadly urgency to the issue of anti-Asian sentiment in the United States.

April 10, 2020
Latin America Used To Be Positive Toward China. COVID-19 Might Change That.
By Igor Patrick
Like other regions, Latin America has seen a rise in anti-Chinese rhetoric since the outbreak began.

October 08, 2019
Why Is Anti-Chinese Sentiment on the Rise in Central Asia?
By Aruuke Uran Kyzy
Central Asia could become a spoiler for all of Beijing’s big Belt and Road ambitions.

November 07, 2018
Anti-Chinese Sentiment on the Rise in Cambodia
By George Wright
Increasing Chinese political influence and presence in Cambodia has sparked anti-Chinese sentiment.

August 23, 2018
The Trials and Tribulations of Britain's Chinese Community
By Daniel Alan Bey
Is Britain’s Chinese community finding its voice, or was it already there?
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