
November 09, 2015
2 Tajik Military Recruiters Killed in Dushanbe
By Catherine Putz
Details are scarce, though some have linked the attack to the country's conscription drive.

July 23, 2015
In Turkmenistan, Border Woes Trump Education
By Bradley Jardine
Ashgabat has decided to solve its manpower problem by cutting off study abroad for Turkmen students.

April 24, 2015
Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Pains: There’s a Way Out
By J. Michael Cole
Taiwan's politics are proving ruinous for the country's national defense. Here's what needs to be done.

December 25, 2013
Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Military
By Shang-su Wu
Taiwan’s military transformation from conscription to an all-volunteer system will not go well.
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