Emmanuel Macron

May 20, 2023
Is France Backing China’s Currency Against the US Dollar?
By Alain Tao
President Macron's recent state visit to China resulted in rare yuan-denominated deals. Does that signal French support for renminbi internationalization?

April 17, 2023
Europe’s China Policy in Disarray
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Whether France can be a trusted partner in managing China is a question that many have asked after the fiasco of Macron’s visit.

April 16, 2023
China’s New Approach to Europe
By Brian Wong
Beijing’s effusive reception of French President Macron reveals the underpinnings of its Europe strategy.

April 14, 2023
German Foreign Minister Visits Beijing Amid European China Debate
By Tim Hildebrandt
Discussions are taking place in Europe and Germany on how to deal with China, but also on which path of development to take in the coming decades, in the context of a rather shaky confidence in the U.S.

April 07, 2023
Europe Goes to China, Seeking Recalibration Amid Challenges
By Duncan Bartlett
French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are the latest European arrivals in Beijing. Their views on China are similar, but not in complete alignment.

April 06, 2023
China’s Xi Calls for Ukraine Peace Talks to Resume
By Associated Press
But Xi gave no indication Beijing would use its leverage as Vladimir Putin's diplomatic partner to press for a settlement.

December 07, 2022
European Leaders Fret Over Their ‘Value-Led’ Approach to China
By Duncan Bartlett
The recent visits to Beijing of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Council President Charles Michel reflected the ongoing attempt to calibrate Europe’s China policy.

May 10, 2022
French Polynesia and France’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
By Paco Milhiet
French Polynesia, with its strategic location and massive EEZ, will play a key role in France's Indo-Pacific policy.

November 02, 2021
Australia’s PM Denies He Lied to France’s Macron Over Sub Deal
By Rod McGuirk
Deputy Prime Minister Joyce chimed in as well: “We didn’t deface Eiffel Tower... We got out of that contract.”

November 12, 2020
Bangladesh’s Government Caught in the Crossfire as Its Public Assails France
By Austin Bodetti
Amid COVID-19, the South Asian country needs its economic partnerships with France more than ever. Will public opinion get in the way?

November 03, 2020
Tens of Thousands in Bangladesh Protest Against France
By Associated Press
The public outcry over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad continues to grow, even as Bangladesh’s government remains silent.

November 02, 2020
India Stands With Macron – But Not For the Same Things
By Mohamed Zeeshan
New Delhi wants to divorce human rights advocacy from its fight against Islamist terrorism.
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