Xi Taiwan policy

January 20, 2023
10 Reasons Xi Won’t Attack Taiwan Anytime Soon
By Hemant Adlakha
Yes, Chinese leader Xi Jinping has ambitions for absorbing Taiwan. But so did all his predecessors.

August 11, 2022
Beijing’s Strategic Dilemma on Cross-Strait Relations
By Zhenze Huang
China has been forced into a reactive position when it comes to cross-strait relations, largely thanks to its inflexibility.

May 11, 2022
Xi Jinping’s Legitimacy Malaise Is Bad News for Cross-Strait Relations
By Anthony Toh Han Yang and Jonghyuk Lee
Xi’s achievements as a core leader of the party are far inferior to those of Mao and Deng. Taiwan may be his only chance to secure a legacy-defining victory.

October 15, 2021
Xi and Tsai’s Dueling Messages on Cross-Strait Relations
By Zhenze Huang
How should we understand the “Double Tenth Day” addresses made by the two leaders?

October 22, 2020
China’s Military Incursions Around Taiwan Aren’t a Sign of Imminent Attack
By Kharis Templeman
Instead, China’s military bravado represents the end state of a failed strategy.

February 07, 2020
The Coronavirus Outbreak Presents an Opportunity for Cross-Strait Rapprochement
By Jo Kim
Taipei and Beijing could both extend olive branches in the name of a public health emergency that would otherwise be politically infeasible.

January 24, 2019
China Flies Aircraft Close to Taiwan After Taiwan Launches Live-Fire Drills
By Nick Aspinwall
The moves come shortly after Xi told Chinese troops to prepare for war, kicking off a potentially volatile 2019.

January 11, 2019
Is This the End of the ‘1992 Consensus’?
By Gary Sands
Tsai Ing-wen is promoting her alternative 'Taiwan consensus,' but the KMT remains committed to the 1992 consensus.

January 04, 2019
Was It Wise for Tsai Ing-wen to Reject the ‘1992 Consensus’ Publicly?
By Charlotte Gao
Taipei has to face the fact that it does not have much leverage to resist Beijing’s pressure now.

January 03, 2019
How President Xi Jinping Is Misreading Taiwan
By Gerrit van der Wees
Xi's January 2 remarks betrayed three fundamental misunderstandings of the Taiwan situation.

January 02, 2019
Xi Says Taiwan ‘Must’ Unify With China as Tsai Unveils Her Own ‘Four Musts’
By Nick Aspinwall
The leaders of China and Taiwan just presented starkly divergent paths to improving cross-strait relations.
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