China-India border disputes

May 02, 2023
Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu’s Visit to India: Impact on China-India Relations
By Tien-sze Fang
The divergence between China and India on border issues was on full display. Nevertheless, Li's visit to New Delhi still holds some positive significance.

May 01, 2023
India-China Relations: Still Bogged Down
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
After the April 27 meeting between the Indian and Chinese defense ministers, the two sides failed to issue a joint statement -- a telling clue as to how the meeting went.

April 15, 2023
The Ukraine War and an Emboldened China on the LAC
By Shantanu Roy-Chaudhury
Much commentary has focused on how China might apply lessons from the Russia-Ukraine war to Taiwan. But what about the disputed Sino-Indian border?

March 09, 2023
How Is India Viewed in China?
By Mu Chunshan
Chinese views of India are very complicated – but generally based on a sense of superiority and self-confidence.

March 04, 2023
China’s Increased Attention to Tibet’s Borders With India
By Apa Lhamo
The Chinese and local government have stepped up plans to settle, develop, and securitize the TAR's disputed border with India.

March 02, 2023
India’s Key to Keeping the Status Quo on Its Border With China
By Siddharth Sridhar
India’s current security strategies vis-à-vis China are inadequate, but with a deterrence-by-detection strategy, the nation has a chance at maintaining its de facto border.

January 21, 2023
The True Significance of the China-India Yangtse Clash
By Ivan Lidarev
The clash in late 2022 revealed much about the future direction of Sino-Indian relations.

January 09, 2023
The Tawang Effect: Forecasting China-India Relations in 2023
By Jagannath Panda
Following the clash along their disputed border in December, there's little reason for optimism in China-India ties for the new year.

December 17, 2022
The Tawang Clash: The View From China
By Hemant Adlakha
Various Chinese media reports on the Tawang clash suggest that Beijing is determined to accelerate the frequency of border standoffs.

December 13, 2022
Explaining the Latest Clashes on the Sino-Indian Border
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Last week’s clash near Tawang is only the latest along the increasingly tense China-India border. A lack of clarity on where the border lies foments continued trouble.

December 09, 2022
China’s Super Hydropower Dam and Fears of Sino-Indian Water Wars
By Genevieve Donnellon-May
The already-fraught relationship between China and India is becoming even more tense over Beijing’s plans to build a “super hydropower dam” in Tibet.

October 01, 2022
60 Years After the Sino-Indian War
By Sushant Singh
The lingering standoff that began in 2020 reveals how little progress has been made on the border dispute between China and India.
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