China-India border

May 01, 2023
India-China Relations: Still Bogged Down
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
After the April 27 meeting between the Indian and Chinese defense ministers, the two sides failed to issue a joint statement -- a telling clue as to how the meeting went.

January 21, 2023
The True Significance of the China-India Yangtse Clash
By Ivan Lidarev
The clash in late 2022 revealed much about the future direction of Sino-Indian relations.

December 28, 2022
China Says It’s Ready to Work with India to Improve Ties
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Inconsistencies between what China says and does will likely reduce the willingness of other countries, including India, to take seriously Beijing’s statements about wanting a reset of ties.

December 17, 2022
The Tawang Clash: The View From China
By Hemant Adlakha
Various Chinese media reports on the Tawang clash suggest that Beijing is determined to accelerate the frequency of border standoffs.

December 13, 2022
Explaining the Latest Clashes on the Sino-Indian Border
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Last week’s clash near Tawang is only the latest along the increasingly tense China-India border. A lack of clarity on where the border lies foments continued trouble.

October 20, 2022
The 1962 Sino-Indian War Still Shapes Delhi’s Foreign Policy
By Ivan Lidarev
The war marked the end of the Nehruvian era in Indian foreign policy and led to the emergence of a more muscular and more realist India.

November 12, 2021
Did China Create New Facts on the Ground Along the LAC With India?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Sometime in 2020, China began building a village in territory disputed with India.

September 08, 2021
Where Does the China-India Border Dispute Stand?
Alka Acharya, M. Taylor Fravel, Lin Minwang, Lu Yang, and Sushant Singh discuss the state of the border today and the future of China-India relations.

August 14, 2021
A Visit to Pangong Lake
By Bhat Burhan
Situated on the Line of Actual Control between China and India, Pangong is at the heart of a tense, but beautiful, border region.

June 25, 2021
As China-India Border Construction Heats up, So Do Confrontations
By Riya Singh Rathore
In the short term, more development means more clashes. But could there be a positive impact in the long term?

June 11, 2021
5G and the Contested China-India Border
By Tenzin Dalha
China’s rapid 5G build-up has come to Tibet. That will have security implications for India.

May 28, 2021
China’s PLA Upgrades Its Forces Along Disputed Border With India
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite continuing talks between India and China, military preparations clearly are continuing, too.
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