China maritime militia

April 19, 2023
Why the Philippines Is Exposing China’s Aggressive Actions in the South China Sea
By Jay Tristan Tarriela
The Philippine Coast Guard has a new responsibility: providing public evidence of China’s unlawful maritime activities. What’s behind the shift?

April 15, 2021
Chinese Militia Vessels Departing Contested South China Sea Reef
By Steven Stashwick
Over 200 Chinese ships occupied Whitsun Reef for several weeks. Only a handful remain.

August 28, 2020
Chinese Military Experiments With Using Commercial Vessels as Helicopter Bases
By Steven Stashwick
The use of civilian ships to support combat could expand the military’s reach but blur targeting rules in wartime.

August 06, 2020
Japan’s Legal Response in the Gray Zone
By James Kraska
China’s gray zone tactics around the Senkaku Islands are even more dangerous than similar moves in the South China Sea. How is Japan responding?

January 28, 2020
What’s Next for Vietnam’s Maritime Militia?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Vietnam’s development of so-called maritime militias continues to surface in the headlines within its wider range of capabilities.

August 15, 2019
Will Beijing Use Force to End the Hong Kong Protests?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Sending in the troops is not unthinkable, but China's government has many other options at its disposal.

June 14, 2019
Chinese Vessel Rams, Sinks Philippine Fishing Boat in Reed Bank
By Steven Stashwick
Philippine crew rescued by Vietnamese fishermen in disputed South China Sea waters.

May 14, 2019
Andrew Erickson and Ryan Martinson on China and the Maritime Gray Zone
By Prashanth Parameswaran
How China thinks about and acts in the maritime gray zone, and what that means for the region’s future.

January 30, 2019
Changes in China’s Coast Guard
By Ying Yu Lin
An organizational reshuffle and new leadership both point to a more muscular, more assertive CCG.

January 13, 2018
The Early Returns of China’s Military Reforms
By Ying Yu Lin
China’s increased capability for joint operations means Taiwan must rethink the Chinese military threat.

May 18, 2017
China’s Maritime Operation: The 'Gray Zone' in Black and White
By Ben Lowsen
There is no problem in the “gray zone” because the “gray zone” does not exist.

September 08, 2016
Crying Wolf? Contrary to Reports, No Dredges at Scarborough Shoal Yet
By Steven Stashwick
Images show Chinese Maritime Militia, not Barges, but Filipino Fishermen still blocked from Shoal.
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