
February 27, 2019
Why the Indian Air Force Strike at Balakot in Pakistan Matters
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
A discussion of what we know so far about Indian air strikes on Pakistani territory on February 26, 2019.

January 31, 2019
Pakistan’s Nasr Missile: ‘Cold Water’ Over India’s ‘Cold Start’?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
A closer look at the broader significance of the capability.

January 15, 2019
Report: US to Conduct Army Tactical Missile System Test on Okinawa in 2019
By Ankit Panda
The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is likely to be tested in Japan this year.

December 06, 2018
North Korea, US 'Left of Launch' Cyber Capabilities, and Deterrence
By Ankit Panda
U.S. "left of launch" cyber capabilities may have unexpected and undesirable consequences on crisis stability.

October 22, 2018
US 'Left of Launch' Cyber Efforts Might Increase Korean Peninsula Nuclear Dangers
By Ankit Panda
U.S. offensive cyber capabilities might prove destabilizing with North Korea.

July 12, 2018
Will India Nuclearize the BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile?
By Joy Mitra
New Delhi has to consider its deterrence requirements and perceptions in Beijing and Islamabad.

February 10, 2018
US North Korea Policy After the Olympics
By James J. Przystup
A closer look at Washington’s policy options after the likely expiry of the Winter Olympic truce.

January 25, 2018
How Would a War Between the US and China End?
By Robert Farley
A new paper examines the contours of war termination in the U.S.-China context.

January 19, 2018
How Should We Write About Nuclear Weapons?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How should one combine the human with the abstract when writing about nuclear weapons?

January 15, 2018
Hawaii's Missile False Alarm Spurs Worries About US-North Korea War
By Robert Farley
How likely is war between North Korea and the United States?

October 09, 2017
Trump's Dangerous Twitter Rebuke of Tillerson May Make Diplomacy Impossible With North Korea
By Ankit Panda
Trump's comments risk serious destabilization and even war.

September 24, 2017
US Bombers, Fighters Fly North of Demilitarized Zone Off North Korea's Coast
By Ankit Panda
The flights were the farthest north of the DMZ any U.S. fighters or bombers have flown in the 21st century.