U.S.-Vietnam relations

March 27, 2020
Beyond Port Visits, US-Vietnam Relations Can Go Further
By Matthew Dalton
There is ample room to expand the burgeoning U.S.-Vietnam relationship.

March 11, 2020
Even Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop the 2nd US Carrier Visit to Vietnam
By Christopher Sharman
Mutual willingness to proceed with the visit indicates that the trust between Washington and Hanoi has reached a new level.

September 26, 2019
Victims Left Behind in US Agent Orange Cleanup Efforts
By Sonya Schoenberger
Vietnamese victims have yet to receive compensation – and many live in desperate poverty.

August 16, 2019
The Next Battleground in Trump’s Trade War: Vietnam
By Alexander Hitch
Vietnam is likely the Trump administration’s next trade target. But the calculus differs in key ways from China.

June 26, 2019
American Sentenced to 12 Years in Prisons for Allegedly Plotting to Overthrow Vietnam’s Government
By Associated Press
Supporters say Michael Nguyen is a victim of Vietnam’s hypersensitivity toward any dissent.

March 13, 2019
Could Vietnam Have Avoided the 1979 War With China?
By Cu Huy Ha Vu
Vietnam’s missed opportunity to normalize relations with the US paved the way for China’s 1979 invasion.

February 28, 2019
Before Meeting Kim, Trump Oversees Trade Deals With Vietnam
By Adam Schreck
The headline deal was an order for 110 Boeing planes.

December 19, 2018
What Comes After US Hegemony?
By Bidisha Biswas and Anish Goel
The Asia-Pacific region looks beyond the United States.

November 15, 2018
Bringing Vietnam Into the ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’
By Joshua Kurlantzick
The Trump administration can make the Free and Open Indo-Pacific idea work in Southeast Asia – with Vietnam as a model.

October 19, 2018
How Vietnam Benefits From US Strategy in the South China Sea
By Gary Sands
The Trump administration’s free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy is quickly gaining more definition.

June 05, 2018
Why Is the US Deporting Protected Vietnamese Immigrants?
By Michael Tatarski
A 2008 agreement allowed Vietnamese who arrived pre-1995 to stay in the U.S. Not anymore.

April 17, 2018
What the US-China Struggle for Regional Dominance Means for Southeast Asia
By Mark J. Valencia
How are Southeast Asian countries responding to growing tensions between the two powers?