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Niha Dagia

Niha Dagia

Niha Dagia is a multimedia journalist covering health, social issues and politics in South Asia. Follow her on Twitter at @nhd00.

Posts by Niha Dagia
May 16, 2022

The Clock’s Ticking on Pakistan’s Economic Bailout

By Niha Dagia
The new government could either take the decision of cutting fuel subsidies or call for fresh elections and leave that tough decision to an interim government.

April 21, 2022

Shehbaz Sharif Has Too Many Fires to Put Out

By Niha Dagia
In addition to holding the ruling coalition together, Pakistan’s new prime minister will have to deal with an ailing economy and rising anti-Americanism.
April 08, 2022

A Civilian Coup Subverted in Pakistan

By Niha Dagia
The Supreme Court has restored the National Assembly. Prime Minister Imran Khan will have to face a no-confidence vote in Parliament early Saturday.

March 24, 2022

A Neutral Military Establishment Risks Collapse of Imran Khan’s Government

By Niha Dagia
No Pakistani prime minister has ever completed their term, and only three of 22 PMs have managed to stay in office for more than four years.

March 16, 2022

Talks With TTP Take Back Seat as Pakistan’s Prime Minister Turns Attention to Political Turmoil

By Niha Dagia
With an uptick in violence, it would be hard for Imran Khan to sway public opinion towards a peace deal with the terror group.

February 28, 2022

Pakistan’s Afghan Gamble Worsens Conflict in Balochistan

By Niha Dagia
For Baloch rebels to conduct sophisticated attacks is undeniably a worrying sign for Pakistan.
January 25, 2022

Without Vaccine Equity, the World Could Remain Stuck in Pandemic Limbo

By Niha Dagia
On the cusp of a triumph over the coronavirus, the world snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

January 18, 2022

Pakistan’s National Security Policy Prioritizes Economic Security

By Niha Dagia
Its content is impressive but it lacks a roadmap.

January 05, 2022

2021 Was a Bad Year for Democracy in South Asia

By Niha Dagia
The pandemic made it easier for governments to justify authoritarian measures, including crackdowns on the media and excessive surveillance.

December 07, 2021

The Dilemma Over the Blasphemy Law in Pakistan

By Niha Dagia
The mob killing of a Sri Lankan is the culmination of a fire lit decades ago, when a doctrinaire interpretation of Islam was allowed to thrive in a politically driven move to legitimize religious intolerance.

November 19, 2021

Pakistan’s Ruling Party Oblivious to People’s Economic Woes

By Niha Dagia
The unprecedented misery of Pakistani citizens is aggravated by the lack of sympathy from the government as it refuses to accept its contribution to record inflation.
November 09, 2021

Will Imran Khan Grant the US Access to Pakistani Airspace Again?

By Niha Dagia
Should the prime minister do so, he would be contradicting his years-long anti-war, anti-U.S. political rhetoric.

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