Korean War

October 24, 2018
Why China and Russia are Keen for the Korean War to Officially End
By Michael Bosack
It is no secret that both China and Russia would prefer greater control over circumstances involving the Korean Peninsula.

October 02, 2018
North and South Korea’s New Military Agreement
By Sukjoon Yoon
Despite questions, the agreement should be welcomed – including by the U.S.

September 14, 2018
What to Look For in the Pyongyang Inter-Korean Summit
By Charles Knight
Denuclearization is a long-term project. In light of that reality, what should we expect from the upcoming summit?

September 14, 2018
A Declaration to End the Korean War Matters: 3 Steps to Moving Forward
By Kyung Suk Lee and Joshua Nezam
Seoul and Washington don't see the end-of-war declaration the same way. That has implications for diplomacy with North Korea.

August 09, 2018
The Long Road to the Korean War Armistice
By Adam Yang
Amid talk of a peace treaty, a look back at the arduous negotiation process behind the Korean Armistice Agreement.

July 21, 2018
China and North Korea: Still ‘Lips and Teeth’
By Yu-Hua Chen
Those who think the relationship has markedly changed never understood it to begin with.

July 17, 2018
US and North Korea Begin Discussion on Returning Remains of US Soldiers
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
After a missed meeting, North Korean and U.S. representatives met to discuss the return of the remains of U.S. soldiers.

July 13, 2018
North Korea's Diplomatic No Show Amplifies Post-Singapore Diplomatic Tensions
By Ankit Panda
The no-show is a well-worn North Korean negotiating tactic, but this time, it highlights growing discord in talks.

June 08, 2018
US-North Korea-South Korea: Three's Company or a Crowd?
By Clint Work
The Kim-Trump summit is on. What about a trilateral follow-up?

April 21, 2018
A Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula? Not So Fast
By Clint Work
This is not the first time the two Koreas have mentioned a formal end to the Korean War. It won't be easy.

March 12, 2018
Thinking the Unthinkable: Central Europe at War With North Korea
By Tomáš A. Nagy
The “soft” and “light” military capabilities of Central European armies could come in handy if war erupts on the Peninsula.

December 05, 2017
George Kennan’s Other Long Telegram — About the Far East
By Francis P. Sempa
The author of Cold War containment recommended U.S. retrenchment across the board in Asia.