North Korea economy

April 14, 2023
Behind North Korea’s Efforts to Monopolize Its Food Supply
By Robert Lauler
Pyongyang has always had a complicated relationship with markets, but is the government really trying to prevent all private food sales?

March 23, 2023
A Chinese Businessman on Doing Business Inside North Korea
By Seulkee Jang
“North Korea doesn’t have a stable political environment for foreigners to do business in, but because wages are so low, doing business there is worth a try,” the businessman told Daily NK.

March 03, 2023
North Korea Wants More Control Over Farming Amid Food Shortage
By Hyung-jin Kim and Kim Tong-hyung
Prospects for quickly resolving its food insecurity are dim, as North Korea restricts the operation of markets and devotes much of its scarce resources to its nuclear program.

January 26, 2023
North Korea Mines New Revenue Sources in Its Trade With China
By Troy Stangarone
The latest data shows Pyongyang is continuing to adapt to U.N. sanctions, while trade is beginning to rebound from pandemic lows.

January 06, 2023
North Korea Likely to Lift Pandemic Border Restrictions in 2023
By Sangsoo Lee
North Korea’s quest to strengthen its military power will require financial backing – which means reopening borders for trade and migrant workers.

October 26, 2022
The Domestic Factors Behind North Korea’s Missile Tests
By Mitchell Lerner
Historically, Pyongyang launches its most provocative foreign policy moves when the regime faces particularly intense problems at home. Current North Korean behavior fits this pattern.

August 15, 2022
South Korea’s President Offers ‘Audacious Initiative’ for North Korea’s Denuclearization
By Mitch Shin
Amid the stalled nuclear and inter-Korean dialogue, President Yoon Suk-yeol again repeated his pledge of economic rewards for denuclearization.

August 13, 2022
How the North Korean Government Is Squeezing Foreign Currency Out of Its People
By Sang Yong Lee
The North Korean government’s persistent efforts to acquire foreign currency reflects the severity of the economic crisis the country is facing.

May 19, 2022
What Comes Next in North Korea’s Battle With Omicron?
By Justin Fendos
How bad might North Korea’s first COVID-19 outbreak get, and what options does the international community have in responding?

April 20, 2022
North Korea’s Crypto Operations Are Supporting Its Nuclear Program
By Chetan Peddada
North Korea sees cryptocurrency as a lifeline amid pandemic-induced devastation to its regular economy.

April 12, 2022
3 North Koreans Provide a Glimpse of North Korea’s Worsening Economic Situation
By Jeong Tae Joo
Locals report increasing starvation deaths and disappearances among their neighbors, but Pyongyang is most concerned with preventing the harsh reality from souring planned celebrations.

March 24, 2022
A Long Road to Nowhere: 10 Years of the Kim Jong Un Regime
By Hae Kyung Ahn
In April, Kim Jong Un will mark the 10th anniversary of his complete succession to power. He doesn't have much to celebrate.
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