Myanmar civil war

June 01, 2023
Kalay: A Case Study of Resistance in Myanmar
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The city in northwestern Myanmar was one of the first to see anti-coup protests – and also among the first to see pitched battles between resistance fighters and the military.

May 13, 2023
Chin National Front Leader: Myanmar Military Regime Will Fall in 3 Years
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Dr. Sui Khar firmly believes that the military regime in Myanmar will be defeated by the opposition forces within three years.

May 11, 2023
Indonesia’s President Admits ASEAN Has Made No Progress on Myanmar Crisis
By Edna Tarigan and Jim Gomez
Indonesia pointed to its “quiet diplomacy” on Myanmar, but acknowledged there has been little progress in ending the deadly civil strife.

April 26, 2023
The Children Fighting in Myanmar’s Civil War
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The NUG has issued a directive against engaging children in combat operations. Some groups that are not its affiliates continue to deploy children as fighters.

April 18, 2023
The Ghost Town of Thantlang in Myanmar’s Chin State
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Since control over this strategic town will give the military an advantage, it is being relentlessly bombed – displacing the entire population.

August 01, 2022
Funding Myanmar’s Spring Revolution
By Zachary Abuza
War isn’t cheap. How has the National Unity Government funded itself – and its military efforts?

April 22, 2022
There’s a Crisis Unfolding in Southeastern Myanmar
By Nai Aue Mon and Maggi Quadrini
Heavy attacks by Myanmar’s military are threatening civilian safety and security. The world must not look away.

February 26, 2022
Myanmar’s Drone Wars
By Robert Bociaga
Myanmar’s anti-coup forces are rigging civilian drones to carry bombs, while the Tatmadaw uses UAVs for surveillance.

February 01, 2022
The Battle for Myanmar
By Allegra Mendelson
The strong, armed resistance movement surprised the regime, but without greater international support, the situation will likely continue to deteriorate.

December 01, 2021
Is Mediation Even Possible in Myanmar?
By Naw Theresa
Mediation currently appears more fantasy than possibility as the crisis inches toward its one-year mark with both the NUG and SAC digging in for a long slugging match.

November 24, 2021
Myanmar’s Army Is Fighting a Multi-Front War
By Robert Bociaga
Is the Tatmadaw getting overstretched?

September 17, 2021
Myanmar’s All-Out War in the Making
By Robert Bociaga
With both the NUG and the junta convinced of an inevitable victory, Myanmar is heading toward an even more violent period.
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