Japan gay marriage

April 28, 2023
Japan’s LDP Promises to Push Forward LBGTQ Bill
By Jeremiah May
Japan, as this year's G-7 host, has been under pressure to bring its LGBTQ policy framework into line with the world's other liberal democracies.

March 15, 2023
The Politics of Sexual Minorities in Japan
By Vindu Mai Chotani and Olivier Ammour-Mayeur
Despite efforts at the local level, LGBTQ rights won’t move forward much unless the LDP can find the political will to make it happen.

March 29, 2021
Japan Edges One Step Closer to Marriage Equality
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s LGBTQ+ community rejoices after a court ruling backs the right to same-sex marriage.

February 20, 2019
Japan’s Same Sex Couples Sue Government, Demanding Marriage Equality
By Thisanka Siripala
Same sex couples leveraged Valentine’s Day to pursue marriage equality in Japan.
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