Japan-U.S. alliance

May 11, 2023
The US and Japan as G7 Champions of Health and Democracy
By Kazuyo Kato and Mark P. Lagon
Washington and Tokyo can contribute conclusively to global governance in the service of peace, prosperity, and pluralism.

February 03, 2023
What’s Behind Proposed Changes to US Marine Deployments in Okinawa?
By Christopher Edward Carroll
Japan and the U.S. are actively taking note of changes in China’s naval and air capabilities in the region and making changes of their own.

September 23, 2022
Strengthening Integrated Air and Missile Defense for the Japan-US Alliance
By Carl Rehberg, Chris Bassler , and Herbert Kemp
The Japan-U.S. alliance has made steady and incremental progress toward preparing for future crises and contingencies. More needs to be done.

September 08, 2021
Rebooting the Japan-US Alliance
By Kenzo Fujisue
With economy increasingly becoming the new decisive battlespace in the looming China-U.S. Cold War, the alliance needs an urgent reboot.

September 04, 2021
In a First, US Jets Will Fly Off a Japanese Warship This Fall
By Steven Stashwick
Marine Corps F-35B fighters will operate off Japan’s modified “helicopter destroyers.”

May 12, 2021
Japan, US, France hold 1st Joint Drills on Japanese Land
By Mari Yamaguchi
Japan is seeking to expand its military ties beyond its alliance with the United States to include "like-minded" countries such as France.

August 22, 2020
Esper Heads to the Pacific: What’s on the Agenda?
By Ankit Panda
In Guam, Esper will meet with his Japanese counterpart.

June 14, 2019
What Did Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Accomplish in Iran?
By Daniel Hurst
Abe’s effort at playing the middle man between Washington and Tehran yielded no immediate results.

April 26, 2019
Japan, US Beef up Their Cyber Alliance
By Daniel Hurst
Cybersecurity was a major focus of the recent “two-plus-two” meeting in Washington.

January 23, 2019
2019 Kicks Off With US and Allies Present in Indo-Pacific’s Disputed Waters
By Ankit Panda
The United States is networking with allies across the South and East China Seas.

December 19, 2018
What Comes After US Hegemony?
By Bidisha Biswas and Anish Goel
The Asia-Pacific region looks beyond the United States.

July 17, 2018
United States, Australia, Japan Achieve War Games First at RIMPAC on Kauai
By Jon Letman
Australia, the United States, and Japan focus on improving interoperability with sinking exercise.
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