U.S. Diplomacy

May 17, 2023
Hopes for Historic Pacific Visit Dashed After Biden Cancels Trip to Papua New Guinea
By Nick Perry
Biden was set to be the first sitting U.S. president to visit any Pacific Island nation. Not anymore.

April 04, 2023
Scot Marciel on the State of U.S.-Southeast Asia Relations
By Sebastian Strangio
"Absent a major crisis, policy toward Southeast Asia tends to be a corollary of policies toward those major powers, most notably China."

December 12, 2022
US Will Not Replace Ambassador to Myanmar: Report
By Sebastian Strangio
Ambassador Thomas Vajda is set to leave Myanmar this month, after less than two years in the post.

December 08, 2022
US Diplomacy on Twitter (and Why It Should Remain There)
By Kevin Chen
While the platform does face long-term issues, U.S. diplomats should continue using it – rather than ceding Twitter to Chinese influence.

September 21, 2022
The US Fills ASEAN Ambassadorial Posting After 5-Year Vacancy
By Sebastian Strangio
The post has been filled by Yohannes Abraham, a former member of President Joe Biden's National Security Council.

April 09, 2022
Derek Chollet on US Indo-Pacific Diplomacy and the Russia-Ukraine War
By Shannon Tiezzi
In U.S. interactions with Asian partners, “I expect Russia-Ukraine will be an issue but it won’t be the issue,” the State Department counselor told The Diplomat.

July 22, 2021
Ted Cruz Blocking State Department Nominees Over Nord Stream 2
By Catherine Putz
With news of a deal on the pipeline, Cruz isn’t getting what he wants. Will he finally let important diplomatic posts be filled?

February 02, 2021
US Foreign Policy and Great Power Politics
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Zachary Shore.

October 28, 2020
Under Trump, the US Strategy for Countering China Is Mimicking China
By Andreea Brînză
The US has begun to copy questionable Chinese behaviors, from aggressive diplomatic criticism to forcing sell-offs and joint ventures.

July 30, 2020
US Diplomacy in Pakistan: The Case of the Missing Mangoes
By Adam Weinstein and Adnan Rasool
U.S. diplomacy needs to leave the conference room and engage with local populations – something European and Chinese diplomats have already mastered.

April 22, 2020
America’s COVID-19 Response in Asia
By Zachary Williams
What the U.S. is doing to help Asian countries amid the pandemic, and what that means for U.S.-China strategic competition.

February 18, 2020
Trump Goes to India as Afghanistan’s Future Looms Large on the Agenda
By Minaam Shah
As Trump prepares to land in New Delhi, India has to ask itself difficult questions about its role in Afghanistan.
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