The Diplomat | Author

Dechlan Brennan
Dechlan Brennan is a Melbourne-based writer, specializing in Australian and Indo-Pacific politics as well as Indigenous affairs.
Alongside his work for the Diplomat, Dechlan has been featured in Vice, The Saturday Paper, and Umbrella News and a host of other publications, as well as appearing on the 7AM podcast.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts (International Relations/History) from Macquarie University and is currently enrolled in a post-graduate diploma of Journalism at RMIT
Follow him on Twitter: @allhandzon
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December 09, 2022
Vanuatu Government Struggling Back Online After Cyberattack
By Dechlan Brennan
The small Pacific Island nation is still recovering from a suspected cyberattack in November, underscoring vulnerabilities across the region.

November 19, 2022
2 State Governments in Australia Block UN Visits to Prisons
By Dechlan Brennan
The gap between how human rights groups view incarcerated people, and how governments in Australia view them, continues to be wide.

November 17, 2022
Where is Bougainville on the Path to Independence?
By Dechlan Brennan
After seeing overwhelming support for Bougainville independence in a 2019 referendum, there is some frustration over perceived foot-dragging by PNG.

October 26, 2022
Murder of Indigenous Teenager in Western Australia Brings Despair, Deja Vu
By Dechlan Brennan
The murder of 15-year-old Cassius Turvey is not just a tragedy; “sadly, it is a pattern.”

October 21, 2022
Australia No Longer Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital
By Dechlan Brennan
The move to overturn the Morrison government's 2018 decision angered Zionist groups but was cheered by Australian Palestinians.

October 07, 2022
How Western Australia Criminalizes Indigenous Children
By Dechlan Brennan
The state’s disturbingly high rate of Indigenous incarceration is a direct result of punitive measures that push people – including minors – into the prison system.

September 16, 2022
After Queen’s Passing, Australia Debates How to Move on From Colonial Wrongs
By Dechlan Brennan
In addition to the perennial debate over becoming a republic, Australia is also considering adding an Indigenous voice to Parliament.

March 22, 2022
Why Australia’s Indigenous People Fear the Police
By Dechlan Brennan
Thirty years after a landmark report on inequality, Australia’s justice system remains plagued by structural racism.

March 17, 2022
Not Guilty Verdict in Police Murder Case Shines Light on Injustices Facing Australia’s Indigenous People
By Dechlan Brennan
In the past 20 years, over 500 Indigenous people have died in police or other official custody. Not a single officer has ever faced jail time for causing such a death.

January 11, 2022
Djokovic Saga Shines Ugly Spotlight on Australia’s Detention Program
By Dechlan Brennan
The recent frenzy over tennis player Novak Djokovic has helped highlight the cruel detention conditions of refugees in Australia.

November 25, 2021
Australia’s Relationship With India Is Concerning
By Dechlan Brennan
Canberra’s concern about China is no excuse for ignoring New Delhi’s rights abuses.
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