Australia offshore detention policy

January 11, 2022
Djokovic Saga Shines Ugly Spotlight on Australia’s Detention Program
By Dechlan Brennan
The recent frenzy over tennis player Novak Djokovic has helped highlight the cruel detention conditions of refugees in Australia.

December 12, 2019
Australian Government Repeals Life-Saving Medevac Law
By Joshua Mcdonald
The medevac law allowed doctors in Australia’s offshore detention facilities to approve the transfer of sick refugees to Australia.

September 01, 2019
Australia's Harsh Immigration Policy
By Claire Loughnan
The re-elected Liberal government in Australia will continue to secure the border, but at what cost?

November 16, 2018
Don't Let APEC Overshadow the Manus Island Debacle
By Nicholas Bequelin
Will APEC leaders stand by while Australia condemns hundreds to indefinite offshore detention – including in PNG?
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