U.S.-New Zealand relations

April 04, 2023
The Strategic Case for New Zealand to Join AUKUS
By Reuben Steff
Pillar II of AUKUS relates to the sharing of advanced technologies and there are good reasons for Wellington to seek access to that part of the pact.

March 07, 2023
The Political Case for a New Zealand-US Free Trade Agreement
By Nicholas Khoo and Alex Tan
A free trade pact makes sense for both countries, and the reasons are as much political as they are economic.

July 06, 2022
New Zealand Will Not Join the US Coalition Against China Anytime Soon
By Nicholas Khoo
Wellington’s deeply ingrained tradition of foreign policy independence and robust economic ties to China serve as a considerable constraint on major policy change.

July 01, 2022
A Return to Values-based Foreign Policy in New Zealand
By Guy C. Charlton
As the recent U.S.-New Zealand joint statement makes clear, the values aspect in New Zealand’s diplomacy remains a priority in its Pacific diplomacy.

May 24, 2022
As Biden Wraps First Asia Trip, Ardern Heads to the US
By Geoffrey Miller
Biden’s meetings in South Korea and Japan – along with a change of government in nearby Australia – will set the scene for the New Zealand PM’s trip to the United States.

May 03, 2022
Jacinda Ardern Is Bringing New Zealand Closer to the US
By Geoffrey Miller
The New Zealand prime minister’s speech to this week’s U.S. Business Summit in Auckland signals a closer alignment with the West – and skepticism toward China.

December 11, 2021
New Zealand’s Conflicted China Strategy
By Geoffrey Miller
China strategy dominated New Zealand’s foreign policy year, but the government has yet to find a consistent position.

November 17, 2021
Decoding Nanaia Mahuta’s First Foreign Trip
By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand’s foreign minister is on her first trip overseas: a seven-country tour of Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, the UAE, Qatar, the U.S., and Canada.

July 15, 2021
Ardern’s Foreign Policy Address Was Pro-US, But Not Necessarily Anti-China
By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delivered a keynote speech on foreign policy on Wednesday.

July 27, 2016
A Thaw in the US-New Zealand Nuclear Freeze
By Richard Fontaine
Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Auckland represents an end to 30 years of security estrangement.

June 13, 2013
New Zealand-U.S. Defense Relations: A Possible Return to the Alliance?
Bilateral defense relations are improving, and may get better still.
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