Nuclear Weapons

April 04, 2023
What Nuclear Weapons Sharing Trends Mean for East Asia
By A. B. Abrams
Washington’s possible pursuit of nuclear sharing in Asia would capitalize on one of its main strategic advantages in the region: its many partners and allies.

January 23, 2023
Is South Korea Considering Nuclear Weapons?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Whether South Korea builds a nuclear bomb on its own or not, nuclear weapons are gaining greater importance in the national security thinking of many states in the Indo-Pacific.

September 19, 2022
North Korea’s Updated Nuclear Law Points At a Dangerous Nuclear Future
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
Kim Jong Un says that as long as nuclear weapons exist, North Korea will have them.

September 09, 2022
Why Vietnam Should Not Go Nuclear
By Khang Vu
Pursuing a nuclear deterrent against Chinese aggression would undermine the country's international reputation and destabilize relations with Beijing.

March 09, 2022
Satellite Images Show Activity at North Korean Nuclear Site
By Kim Tong-hyung and Jon Gambrell
Two new structures appeared to have been built to the site's south between February and early March.

February 23, 2022
How Did Kazakhstan Give Up the Bomb?
By Catherine Putz
In a new book, Togzhan Kassenova tells the complex story of Kazakhstan’s nuclear era and the decisions that brought it to an end.

December 18, 2021
2021 in Asian Geopolitics: A Retrospective
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What were the major developments and events that drove geopolitical trends in Asia in 2021?

August 30, 2021
Online Shopping for Nukes? Tune Into a North Korean Military Parade.
By Jason Bartlett
North Korean broadcasts of military parades offer a veritable weapons catalog for U.S. adversaries.

November 05, 2020
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Set to Enter Into Force
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
On January 22, 2021 the TPNW will enter into force. But will it matter?

October 29, 2020
Denuclearization, Diplomacy, and Beyond: North Korea Plans for 2021
By Ankit Panda
Kim Jong Un’s year did not go as planned. What lies ahead for the Korean Peninsula?

October 20, 2020
Just Restart New START: Timing is Running Out for Nuclear Stability
By Daniel R. DePetris
The New START accord expires in about four months and coming up with a whole new agreement seems unlikely to happen.

June 23, 2020
The Wrong Way to Draw China to Arms Control Talks
By Ankit Panda
What were Chinese flags doing in the room at U.S.-Russia arms control talks?
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