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October 23, 2015
Should the West Be Worried About Britain As China's 'Advocate'?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Will London's partnership with China extend beyond economics to international issues -- at the West's expense?

April 01, 2015
Japan's Tangled Ties With Russia
By Mina Pollmann
Japan's relationship with Russia will remain stalled as long as the Ukraine crisis continues.

November 11, 2014
The Ukrainian Divide in Russo-Japanese Rapprochement
By Clint Richards
Despite a cordial APEC meeting, Putin and Abe cannot afford to make real progress.

June 06, 2014
Japan’s G7 Agenda
By Clint Richards
Abe has used the forum to smooth ties with Russia, and possibly open a dialogue with China.

March 20, 2014
Japan Eyes Sanctions on Russia
By Shannon Tiezzi
Japan has announced it will halt negotiations with Russia over a trade pact in response to the Crimea situation.

January 31, 2013
The G20: In Need of a Reboot
If the G20 is to live up to its potential, it must confront the forces that could see it slide into irrelevancy. The forum should build on what has worked, and avoid what has not.
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