Japanese security policy

July 19, 2022
Abe Shinzo’s Enduring Legacy on Geopolitics in Asia
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
Japan’s longest-serving post-war prime minister left a long list of achievements with geopolitical significance.

March 29, 2018
The Meaning of Japan's New Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade Launch
By John Taishu Pitt
The ARDB represents one of the most significant post-war reforms to the GSDF.

December 06, 2015
Osaka Elections and the Japanese National Security Debate
By Michio Ueda
The LDP's recent election loss might actually be to Shinzo Abe's benefit.

November 07, 2015
How Can Japan Improve Its Relations With China and South Korea?
By Yuki Tatsumi
The China-Japan-South Korea trilateral was a good thing for Japan, but much work lies ahead.

July 10, 2015
How Does Japan's LDP Plan to Pass Security Reform?
By Mina Pollmann
With the 60-day rule, the Diet juggles technicalities and the LDP presses forward its bill reinterpreting Article 9.

May 15, 2015
Japan's Global SDF Will Need These Two Laws
By Ankit Panda
Two new bills could revolutionize the Japanese military's ability to fight abroad.

February 07, 2015
Islamic State Murders: Japan's Tipping Point?
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat‘s editors discuss recent events in Asia, including Japan and the Islamic State, Russia-China-India talks, and Cobra Gold 2015.

October 14, 2014
Vietnam's Extensive Strategic Partnership with Japan
By Carl Thayer
Vietnam's relationship with Japan has an important security component that is growing and evolving.

October 10, 2013
Japan’s Clumsy Perception Management
By Kei Koga
Japan’s security policies are widely misunderstood. With some better prioritizing, Abe could help correct that.
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