Joint patrols in the Sulu Sea

April 19, 2022
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines Consider Expanding Sulu Sea Trilateral Patrols
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Ongoing efforts to further develop the minilateral mechanism bear close watching, despite lingering challenges.

July 01, 2020
Dangerous Waters: Maritime Crime in the Sulu Sea
By Zam Yusa
Despite COVID-19 and a number of security initiatives, piracy, kidnapping, and terrorist movements continue in the Sulu Sea.

February 21, 2018
US-Indonesia Relations: From Aspiration to Achievement
By Joshua Kurlantzick
How to avoid illusions and achieve gains in the U.S.-Indonesia relationship.

January 31, 2018
Eastern Sabah: Malaysia’s Frontline Against Militancy
By Michael Hart
A bolstered security architecture in Sabah and its surrounding waters is having an impact.

July 05, 2017
Indonesia, Philippines Launch Maritime Border Patrols
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Joint patrols come amid a high level of activity in surrounding waters.

June 21, 2017
Asia's Deadly Pirates
By Neil Thompson
Asia sees more kidnappings and armed robberies at sea than anywhere else in the world.

May 03, 2017
Trilateral Patrols in the Sulu Sea: Still Coming Soon?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look at the status of a much-anticipated initiative between Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

February 16, 2017
Will Japan Join Trilateral ASEAN Patrols in the Sulu Sea?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at a move that has been subject to much speculation.

January 24, 2017
Philippines, Malaysia Eye Deeper Maritime Security Cooperation
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The first bilateral meeting between the maritime police forces of both sides is further testament to growing collaboration.

July 15, 2016
New Sulu Sea Trilateral Patrols Pact Nears Completion
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines to agree new framework agreement soon.

June 09, 2016
The Other Sea That Dominated the 2016 Shangri-La Dialogue
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beyond the South China Sea, conversations at the 2016 Shangri-La Dialogue also centered on the Sulu Sea.

May 31, 2016
Malaysia Warns Philippines’ Duterte Against ‘Reigniting’ Sabah Dispute
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Malaysia’s premier tells Duterte to instead focus on resolving the country’s southern insurgency.
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