Malaysia maritime security

June 03, 2021
Chinese Overflight Highlights Malaysia’s Need for a Stronger Military Deterrent
By Adam Leong Kok Wey
The country will only face growing threats to its maritime sovereignty in the years to come.

May 25, 2021
Is Malaysia Really a ‘Maritime’ Nation?
By Adam Leong Kok Wey
Despite its close connection to the maritime domain, Malaysia still thinks and behaves strategically like a continental power.

July 01, 2020
Dangerous Waters: Maritime Crime in the Sulu Sea
By Zam Yusa
Despite COVID-19 and a number of security initiatives, piracy, kidnapping, and terrorist movements continue in the Sulu Sea.

January 31, 2018
Eastern Sabah: Malaysia’s Frontline Against Militancy
By Michael Hart
A bolstered security architecture in Sabah and its surrounding waters is having an impact.

September 01, 2017
Why Did Malaysia Just Burn an Illegal Fishing Vessel?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The move is being read as an escalation in the country’s crackdown on sea crimes

October 29, 2015
What Does Malaysia’s New Defense Budget for 2016 Mean?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look at what a budget trim for next year actually signifies.

October 26, 2015
Malaysia Detains China, Singapore Ships
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The foreign vessels are suspected of illegal refueling.
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