NATO China policy

June 16, 2023
A NATO Office in Japan: Much Ado About Not Much
By Jean-Loup Samaan
Speculations surrounding the impact of the proposed NATO office in Tokyo are wildly overhyped.

June 05, 2023
NATO, China, and the Indo-Pacific
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Prof. Julian Lindley-French.

May 09, 2023
Why NATO’s Planned Liaison Office in Japan Is a Bad Idea
By Kelly Grieco
Although Indo-Pacific countries are seemingly receptive to the idea, NATO’s greater involvement in the region may well do more harm than good to security and stability.

April 12, 2023
NATO and the China Challenge
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Liselotte Odgaard.

April 11, 2023
New Zealand Is Getting Closer to NATO
By Geoffrey Miller
The Hipkins government is continuing to deepen Wellington’s ties with NATO. What will that mean for relations with China?

October 07, 2022
NATO’s China Challenge
By Michael Trinkwalder
Despite, or rather because of, the Russia-Ukraine War, the West finally appears willing to take on the challenge of a rising China – perhaps even in the Indo-Pacific.

August 03, 2022
China and NATO’s Strategic Concept
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Mathieu Duchȃtel.

July 16, 2021
NATO Shouldn’t Try to Do Too Much on China
By Henrik Larsen
NATO’s China policy must focus on core business.

June 29, 2021
Biden in Europe: G-7, NATO, and China
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Giuseppe Gabusi.

February 23, 2021
Outlook: China and the Transatlantic Alliance
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Rachel Tausendfreund.

December 03, 2020
NATO Huddles With Asia-Pacific Democracies to Talk China
By Shannon Tiezzi
NATO members, along with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea, gathered virtually to discuss the rise of China.

July 18, 2019
NATO Needs a China Policy
By Helena Legarda and Meia Nouwens
NATO needs a coordinated and comprehensive strategy to deal with an ever-more confident China.
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