South Korea Indo-Pacific strategy

June 12, 2023
Where Does Japan Fit Into South Korea’s New Indo-Pacific Strategy?
By Shu Fukuya
Establishing a strategic relationship has become an urgent task to address threats to the stability of the Indo-Pacific region, but significant obstacles remain.

February 18, 2023
South Korea’s Enduring Restraint Toward China
By James Park
Despite much bluster on the campaign trail, President Yoon Suk-yeol's promise to get “tougher on China” has been rhetorical at best.

January 27, 2023
Where Is India in South Korea’s New Indo-Pacific Strategy?
By Jagannath Panda and Choong Yong Ahn
Seoul’s Indo-Pacific strategy converges with India’s outlook of the region, while sharing a common vision that goes beyond great power politics.

January 16, 2023
South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Quest for Clarity and Global Leadership
By Jagannath Panda and Choong Yong Ahn
President Yoon Suk-yeol has consolidated his global vision for South Korea by embracing “strategic clarity” in the China-U.S. competition.
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