The Diplomat | Author

Eunwoo Lee
Eunwoo Lee writes on politics, society, and history of Europe and East Asia.
Based in Paris and Seoul, Eunwoo Lee writes on politics, society and history of Europe and East Asia. He is also a non-resident research fellow at the ROK Forum for Nuclear Strategy. Previously, he served at South Korea’s Ministry of National Defense, on detachment to the Army Headquarters.
He graduated from University College London (UCL) with BA History and also spent a year at the University of Texas at Austin under Wm. Roger Louis for his British decolonization curriculum and his writing workshop. He can be contacted via LinkedIn and Twitter.

June 08, 2023
South Korea’s Healthcare Sector Is Heading Toward a Crisis
By Eunwoo Lee
Reform efforts have put the government at loggerheads with physicians, who are reluctant to let go of their privileges.

May 05, 2023
Dashed Korean Dreams: The Plight of Migrant Workers
By Eunwoo Lee
South Korea’s handling of migrant workers is a blotch on the country's reputation.

June 25, 2022
Can Nuclear Energy Power South Korea’s Future?
By Eunwoo Lee
President Yoon wants nuclear energy to catapult South Korea to carbon neutrality and international prestige. But a rough road lies ahead.

March 23, 2022
President Moon’s Legacy: Boosted Arms Exports for South Korea
By Eunwoo Lee
President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol will carry on Moon’s legacy in one aspect at least: the military industry.

March 12, 2022
South Korea’s Self-Employment Crisis
By Eunwoo Lee
Amid online shopping bonanzas and anti-COVID measures, one-person business owners and self-employed subcontractors have suffered.

February 08, 2022
South Korea’s Shift Away From Reunification Is a Bad Sign for the Korean Peninsula
By Eunwoo Lee
South Koreans increasingly reject reunification with the North amid intensifying hostility and indifference. But inter-Korean relations that prioritize economic ties over reconciliation easily fall prey to global geopolitics.

December 09, 2021
A Networked, High-Tech Alliance Makes an Attractive Target for Cyberattacks
By Eunwoo Lee
Increasing integration of technology and information among allies highlights the importance of cybersecurity – and fixing fundamental flaws.
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